One review from Amazon.com about
“The Calcium Factor”
“Most of the people who give coral calcium itself a bad review have never bothered to try it. I know many people who laugh at me for taking this stuff even though i’ve tried to get it though their thick heads that it really has helped me tremendously. They would rather spend huge amounts of money at the pharmacy and waste hours at the doctor’s office for antibiotcs that don’t work well and only cause more problems and they have the nerve to laugh at me. HA! I bet most of the people who reveiwed this book and called Mr. Barefoot names and claimed calcium doesn’t work is probably either a doctor or pharmaceutical rep who’s afraid of losing business.Whatever the reason for the negativity these reveiwers do a disservice to those who have tried the coral and are IRREFUTABLE PROOF that it works and they do an an even greater injury to those who won’t try because of your uninformed reviews. People aren’t stupid and they don’t need the naysayers’ bad advice.TRY the calcium first if you don’t see results then quit taking it.”
Learn more about the benefits of Coral Calcium
and read “The Calcium Factor” today!