- In the Beginning
- Science and Medicine in the Nineteenth Century
- Science and Medicine in the Twentieth Century
- The Dilemma of Modern Medicine
- The Food and Drug Administration
- The Vitamin Argument
- The Mineral Argument
- The Body’s Fluids
- The Body’s Nutrients
- The Human Cell
- Cholesterol
- The Calcium Factor
- The Earth Nutrient
- The Magic Mushroom
- Recipes for Health
- Carl J. Reich, M.D.
- The Final Chapter in Medicine
Death by Diet was written by popular request as a sequel to, and includes many excerpts from The Calcium Factor. It was written to inform that: mineral and vitamin deficiency is the main cause of degenerative disease; to explain that a medical freedom amendment to the Constitution will be necessary to change the current restrictive, disease dependent system; and to suggest to politicians that the promotion of preventive medicine could dramatically reduce the deficit while making the voters both happy and healthy.